The reunion was held near Dove Dale and nine "old girls" made it that day.

Back in Derby, Robin took it easy but did manage to take the rental car back to East Midlands Airport coming back on the bus to Derby town centre. Neither of us was sorry to say good bye to the car which had served us well but driving wasn't a great pleasure. Too much traffic and too many roundabouts which are very tricky if there is much traffic. This gave an opportunity to collect a series of railway tickets. There had been purchased online some months earlier. We had three sets to collect all bought on different days covering three different journeys. The system is very easy to use and you simply go to a machine at any station of your choosing, not necessarily any one that you are going to actually use and put in the reference number and bingo you get the tickets. Buying early gets you a good selection of seats at bargain prices, in one case 75% off. Only one flaw in the system as we booked facing the engine seats and never got them, always back. This applied to European railway tickets too. Very strange because the rest of the system was brilliant.
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