Monday, November 1, 2010

Day 3 - New Malden, Harpenden and Great Chesterford

Another busy day of visiting. We started with a brief stop in New Malden to see cousins Ken and Gladys Alexander. We knew that neither were going to be at the party because of the difficulty of travelling and we were glad we did call on because it turned out that Gladys was really under the weather but we did manage a short visit to see her. Ken was in fine form we felt.

Next stop was to meet most of the King relatives in Harpenden. We stopped off at Wendy and Peter Godfrey-Evans house where we met up with that family, Elizabeth and Paul Champion and two of their family and Angela who travelled down specially from Burford which was very good of her. After a nice visit there we continued on to Great Chesterford to see and stay with the fourth King relative, Pam, and Bob White. It was good to get away from the London area because the traffic is so intense around London, more so than our visit last year it seemed.

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