Monday, November 1, 2010

Day 13 - Marazion and St. Michael's Mount

It was Sunday and the day of the Italian Grand Prix. We split our forces at the beginning and Ruth left to catch the bus to Marazion and St. Michael's Mount while Robin stayed behind to watch the Grand Prix. The tide was out and it was possible to walk across the causeway to the Mount.

The causeway at low tide

Unfortunately you can't get very far when you are there because the house is a private residence and there are only the grounds to see. Robin took a later bus and found Ruth on the sea wall waiting as arranged and we both walked to the Mount and its little harbour.

The harbour where a ferry runs at higher tides when the causeway is covered

The house from the harbour

Another view of the harbour

In the grounds of the Mount

We walked back across the causeway which would soon be impassable as the tide was coming in and found a nice cafe in Marazion to have our customary afternoon cup of tea.

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