Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Day 6: To Port Au Choix

It was time to make our way further north and we had booked to stay the night at Port Au Choix. We passed by the entrance to Western Brook Pond on the way.

There are few places of any real size up the coast. We stopped in Cow Head which has an active theatre. It has a busy port and we watched the unloading of turbot at the quayside.

The Arches Provincial Park is very small but boasts a rocky outcrop with two arches

There were many attractive rocks on the shoreline.

And many delicate flowers

Port Au Choix is the site of the Port Au Choix National Historic Site. Archaeological findings confirm that over the last 4,500 years five cultures inhabited the barren peninsular where is a Parks Visitor Canada Centre. From the Centre we saw a whale passing by. There are a couple of pleasant walks across the peninsular. Initially you walk over very barren area but it has a number of delicate flowers growing in what looks like very inhospitable ground.

You then enter an area with some trees

and eventually reach the coast again.

Another delicate flower

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